Covering our children with prayer

Published 6:05 am Sunday, March 4, 2018

How do we comfort our children when we are afraid ourselves? This has certainly been a challenge for me the last few weeks. I would love to be able to tell my children that we have nothing to fear in this life. Our children are facing issues that we’ve never faced. Things are not the same, as when we were growing up.

The world is filled with an evil that we can’t even comprehend. The Bible, however, tells us “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21). We do this with prayer and by listening to the whispers of our heart. Evil cannot defeat love. Recently my aunt told me a story about the power of prayer. Years ago, several men in their community were drafted into the war. Their moms met each morning and prayed for their safety. I believe wholeheartedly in the power of prayer.

As a parent, I believe that God wants me to do everything in my power to teach my children morals and values, to teach them about Him, to protect them from harm (when I know there is a danger), and to love them unconditionally. Some things, however, are beyond my control. I can teach my children to wear a seatbelt and all about safety while driving, but I can’t prevent them getting into an accident. After I’ve done everything possible for me to do, then I have to leave the things that are impossible for me to do to God. I believe, as parents, the best thing we can do is to cover our children, as well as our neighbor’s children, with prayer. As a nation, if we truly started praying, then we could see our world change. We also need to pray for our leaders to make the best decisions for our children and our nation. Our world is in bad shape, and it is getting worse every day. The enemy wants us to feel fear and defeated. Prayer, however, is powerful and it can certainly change things.

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Only God knows the true danger that we are facing. He knows how to help us. We just need to spend more time listening to His instructions, and then take action. God is old fashioned. He doesn’t change. The same God that protected us when we were growing up is with our children as well. After all, they belong to Him. While He entrusted us to raise them, they are His precious children and He loves them with a love greater than we can even imagine. We need to teach our children about His love and to look for Him and to draw closer to Him.

Recent events have definitely left me shaken. So I am working on a plan to help my children get through these perilous times. I know that if we draw close to God that He will draw close to us.

Things I am going to do to comfort my children as well as myself…

1. Cover them with prayer.

2. Give them comforting Bible verses.

3. Remind them that God loves them and He is in control.

4. Talk to them each day about their day.

5. Contact the leaders and ask for something to be done until my children feel safe.

Have you ever heard someone pray for you? It is one of the most precious gifts in the world. Just to know that someone else is talking to God on my behalf always touches my heart. What if every child around the nation could hear that each morning? Can you imagine the kind of difference it could make in their lives? Let’s do everything in our power to make our children feel loved and as safe as possible.

Candida Sullivan is an award-winning author and inspirational speaker. She helps others to develop the mindset to overcome their circumstances. Her recent book, Despite Your Circumstances, won the 2016 CSPA Book of the Year Award in Christian Living. She lives in New Tazewell with her husband and kids. For more information about her books or to schedule her for your event, email her at