Spay/neuter your pet

Published 6:30 am Tuesday, February 27, 2018

We had Hobo the Wonder Dog neutered before we brought him from the shelter. Hobo has no idea about spay and neutering, but what he does know — is love. I have heard many arguments for not spaying and neutering a pet but, these arguments fall short of reason. Hobo knows firsthand the tragedy of living on the streets and wants to help others avoid the uncertainty of street life.

Hobo’s mission is to help spread the word of importance of spay and neutering your pets. The impact of altering your pet can be profound. With an estimated six to eight million unwanted pets ending up in shelters across America spay and neutering is vital to help reduce these numbers. Less than half of animals in shelters find a loving forever home. That means three to four million animals are euthanized each year in this country alone.

Benefits of altering your pet far outweigh any risk or argument to the contrary. Spay and neutering is probably the most important decision one can make for the overall long-term health of their pet. There are statistics supporting neutered dogs live 18 percent longer than unneutered dogs. Spayed female dogs live 23 percent longer than non-spayed dogs. Many of these reports suggest that unaltered animals meet early demise caused by roaming exposing them to fights, being struck by automobiles, and other type trauma. However, non-neutered pets face certain types of health issues and cancers associated with their reproductive system. So, for a happier longer living pet spay and neutering is proven to improve longevity and quality of life.

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The Doris Day Animal Foundation was founded in 1978 by celebrity Doris Day and in 1995 she used her celebrity status and founded “Spay Day USA” now known as “World Spay Day.” This worthy cause has helped spay and neuter more than 1.5 million animals in the first 15 years. Hobo the Wonder Dog and I want to help the Doris Day Animal Foundation this year with a small donation to help sponsor an animal spay or neutering. This is a small gesture with great potential to help those in need. Please join us with a small donation to the Doris Day Animal Foundation or to your local shelter to sponsor one pet’s low-cost surgery.

Doris Day’s 96th birthday is April 3 and Hobo the Wonder Dog will be sending her a special birthday card along with a small donation to World Spay Day. How better to celebrate this worthy cause and say Happy Birthday to Doris Day. Please celebrate by spay or neutering your pet or sponsoring a low-cost spay or neuter for someone else in need.

Happy World Spay Day is recognized on Feb. 27 but can be celebrated every day! Happy Birthday Doris Day and thank you for a lifetime of work! If you would like to join Hobo the Wonder Dog and I by sending Doris Day a birthday card the address is: Doris Day Animal Foundation, 8033 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 845, Los Angeles, CA 90046.

Life is better with a spayed/neutered dog — woof!

Hobo the Wonder Dog, Your guide to travel, health and fun. Please follow Hobo on Facebook at Hobo the Wonder Dog or contact us at: