It is deep winter. Snow, ice, cold and the dreams of spring and summer. Remember the thrill of getting the Christmas catalog? Now is the time for the thrill of seed catalogs. They are out there – get some and dream. I think of all the hours I have poured over seed catalogs and planned my gardens. Radishes and peas and beans. There were so many varieties of each vegetable. Sweet corn, pumpkins, squash. They looked so pretty in the catalogs.

Some of those catalogs were glossy and beautiful. Some looked like they were published 100 years ago (by design). There was Parks, Gurney, Jung, Burpee. A lovely stack of books for dreaming and planning. Oh, and the strawberries, blueberries, and fruit trees. I always wanted to grow huckleberries and gooseberries but never did. I did order broom corn once and my father grew it for me.

Cucumbers, cabbage, mint, sage, onions, garlic, turnips, parsnips, potatoes. Plant some snap peas by any fence or post so they can vine up and when you walk by you can just pick one and eat it. Beets, carrots, parsley.

Wouldn’t it be grand if everyone planted a fruit tree or berry bush? There are so many lawns being ornamented with nonfood producing plants and trees now days. When the old cherry trees and apple trees die are we trying to replace them? Do it this year. Plant asparagus in the corner of the yard, it is a tall fern like plant and in three years you can start harvesting and eating it. Plant rhubarb along the foundation of your house. It is a full leafy plant and makes great pies. Put a couple strawberry plants by the mailbox or back step. You do not need to make a big bed of these just small areas that will eventually produce food.

I have a friend in Wichita, Kansas that lives where the HOA does not allow garden plots. I believe because they look so messy in the winter. She uses the flower beds around the house for tomatoes, peppers, a couple cabbages and herbs.

Order your dream catalogs now and plan your spring and summer production. Be sure to plant at least one annual every year. Take it slow and easy, do not forget flowers. Everyone needs flowers. You can even eat some flowers – nasturtium, marigolds, violets, squash blossoms. And speaking of flowers do not kill the dandelions. Dandelions are the first food for bees in the spring. And you can eat the greens too.

Yep, time to get those catalogs. Besides seeds they have trees, plants, tools, books and supplies. You learn a lot just by perusing through one. Peek up over that snow bank and “just remember in the winter far beneath that bitter snow lies the seed that with the sun’s love in the spring becomes the rose.”
