Upcoming fall events

Published 8:38 am Friday, September 21, 2018

Summer is quickly fading, with fall beginning on Sunday. For those looking for some autumn fun, there are several options available in Harlan County in the upcoming weeks.

On Sept. 29, Harlan’s Amazing Race is back, giving participants a chance to use their knowledge of the county’s history to compete against others for a grand prize of $300. Kicking off at the Harlan Center, participants will receive the first clue at high noon. Teams must be in teams of two. Registration is $15 per person. Registration forms can be picked up at the Harlan Center, and will also be available at 11 a.m. on race day at the upper plaza of the Harlan Center. One team member must be a licensed driver with insurance on the vehicle they plan to use or team members must be able to provide their own transportation by a licensed and insured guardian.

Of course, with the arrival of October everyone’s thoughts turn to ghosts, goblins and other spooky things in anticipation of Halloween, and the Harlan Haunt Fest on Oct. 6 is a great way to indulge your Halloween spirit.

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According to the annual event’s website at https://www.harlanhauntfest.com/, “Harlan Haunt Fest is a popular culture and horror festival in the mountains of Harlan County Kentucky that features genre celebrities from film, TV, music, art and literature, along with special events, contests, prizes, Cosplay, crafts, music, masquerade, and all sorts of good fun, celebrating our haunted mountains and the Halloween season.”

The Harlan Haunt Fest website and Facebook page state this year’s event will include attractions such as a fully-loaded Chevrolet Impala such as on the program Supernatural, a séance with the Southern Gypsies, a cosplay contest, a ghost walk, live entertainment from Whatever Werewolves Wear, special guests from the world of horror and more.

The event will be held from 10 a.m. to midnight on Oct. 6 at the Harlan Center. For tickets or more information, visit www.harlanhauntfest.com.

Kingdom Come State Park is getting into the Halloween spirit with the first annual Pumpkin Carving Contest on Oct. 13. Those wishing to take part should bring already carved pumpkins to the gift shop between noon and 1 p.m. on Oct. 13 for judging. There will be a $3 entry fee for each pumpkin. Age categories are 13 and under and 14 and older. Prizes will be awarded. For more information, call 606-589-4138.

Kingdom Come State Park is also holding the annual Haunted Trail from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Oct. 20 and 27. The event is not recommended for children under the age of 8, as the trail will feature zombies, demons and other scary creatures of the night. Admission is $5. For more information, call 606-589-4138.