Services for veterans offered

Published 1:07 pm Friday, September 21, 2018

The Harlan Fiscal Court heard a presentation directed at getting military veterans assistance during a meeting on Tuesday.

Harlan County Judge-Executive Dan Mosley called on Readjustment Counselor Brandon Edwards of the Johnson City, Tennessee, Vet Center to advise the court on options for veterans.

“I invited Brandon Edwards to speak today,” Mosley said. “He’s going to talk to us today about services to veterans here in Harlan County, and a new position that covers this region.”

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Edwards explained he attended James A. Cawood High School and Eastern Kentucky University before spending approximately 10 years in the United States Army.

“When I got out, I started working with the Department of Veterans Affairs,” Edwards said. “I’m a social worker at the Johnson City Veterans Center.”

Edwards said he is involved in a community-based program designed to assist veterans with issues ranging from suicide to disability claims.

“You can always call me,” Edwards said. “If a veteran needs anything, they can always call me.”

Edwards said individual counseling for veterans is offered, as well as group counseling and family therapy.

“Basically, anything a vet wants to talk about, they can call and talk to me,” Edwards said. “Being from Harlan and being a veteran myself, I understand what they’re going through.”

The Vet Center services include individual readjustment counseling, group meeting, military sexual trauma counseling, bereavement counseling, marital and family counseling and others.

For more information, contact the Vet Center at (423) 928-8387.

Other fiscal court activity:

• The court adopted an ordinance to refinance current water and sewer bonds;

• A lease agreement between the Harlan County Fiscal Court and the Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife for boat slip rental at the Stone Mountain Boat Dock was renewed;

• Trick or Treat hours for Halloween were set for 5 p.m. To 7 p.m. On Oct. 31.