Handicapped placard changes

Published 1:26 pm Friday, September 14, 2018

The process for obtaining a handicapped placard is being updated, with some changes going into effect on Monday.

Harlan County Clerk Donna Hoskins explained the process.

“On Monday, the form and the process to apply for a handicapped placard changes,” Hoskins said.

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According to Hoskins, while the first placard remains free, there will be a charge for additional placards.

“Your first placard is free, then there is a charge of $10 for the second,” Hoskins said.

Hoskins explained there is also a new form which must be filled out in order to receive or renew a placard.

“They have just clarified by email there is a new form that will be required when you come in to renew your placard,” Hoskins said.

Hoskins pointed out the new form is mandatory for those wishing to renew their handicapped placard.

“I wish I could have informed the public of this earlier, because if they come in with the old form we will have to turn them back,” Hoskins said.

The new form is designated TC 96-347.

“They can pick up the new form at the Harlan County Clerk’s Office,” Hoskins said. “We have sent new forms to the clinics in Evarts and Harlan, to MCHC and to the Daniel Boone Clinic. If the doctor signs your form while you’re there, ask them to be sure it is the new form.”

Hoskins said the Harlan County Clerk’s Office’s website is currently being updated to make the form available, where it will be available for printing.

“The form will probably be on the website by Monday,” Hoskins said.