County targets illegal dumps
Published 4:00 pm Tuesday, August 28, 2018
The Harlan Fiscal Court addressed the issue of illegal garbage dumps in Harlan County during a recent meeting.
Harlan County Judge-Executive Dan Mosley brought up the issue while asking the fiscal court to approve an application for a 2019 open dump grant.
“We’re pleased to announce the fiscal court has implemented a new solid waste enforcement program,” Mosley said. “We’ve always had a solid waste enforcement program, but we’ve added to that program by placing cameras at some locations that have been illegal dumps for years in an attempt to prosecute those who are continuing to dump illegally.”
Mosley pointed out many of the cameras have already been installed.
“We’ve tested a few cameras,” Mosley said. “We’re working closely with Appalachian Wireless, and we can monitor those cameras remotely through a cell phone.”
The cameras have already produced some results, according to Mosley.
“There are already some investigations underway based on some dumping that has been caught on those cameras,” Mosley said. “So, we look forward to catching those individuals who continue to illegally dump garbage in our community. I appreciate the fiscal court’s support of that program. It’s something we’ve talked about for a little while, and those cameras are now out and about.”
Mosley added those caught may face a financial penalty.
“We’re going to see some people caught and have to reimburse us for the cost of cleaning up those dumps,” Mosley said. “Beware, it’s not a good time to be illegally dumping.”
Mosley said the Harlan County Sheriff’s Office have been assisting with the process.
“There was one last week I know they worked on extensively,” Mosley said. “We’re hoping to add more cameras in the future. We have a lot of different dumps across the county. We are watching.”
The magistrates passed a motion to apply for the 2019 open dump grant.
In other fiscal court activity:
• An agreement with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet for blacktopping of various county roads for 2019 was approved;
• Contracts for FEMA Public Assistance Disaster and Risk Assessment were approved;
• A service agreement between the Harlan County Detention Center and Tiger Express E-Commissary Care Packs was approved.